Friday, September 14, 2007

>Weaving:Sketch model 3

The above attempts take the previous sketch to the next level-a more ruled surface and structure. However, I recognize some inaccuracies in the unrollsrf command in Rhino. The end result is very interesting, yet it is not the expected result. Compared to the Rhino generated surface the above differs in curvature. Noticing these differences, should I continue with the above, finishing the weave. Or, leave the above as is and investigate better fabrication techniques?


rael said...

this seems to be a big jump! very interesting. the flexibility of each strand seems to make the form slightly indeterminate, and taking on it's own form. i wonder if there is a way to increase the accuracy of the form? so what is the consequence of this? and how does it relate back to the idea of the jacal?

also, the forms are purely sculptural at the point. can the surface become more specific to a program or architectural component? or, can it be more form driven and if so, what is the impetus for a formal investigation?

i think that all three (program, architectural component, form) are worthy investigations on their own. maybe you can attach to one of these research areas and push it further.

for example, many churches in spain and latin america have wattle and daub structures that define the domed and vaulted ceilings. for example, could this be conceived of as a ceiling structure that is suspended, that imparts the o spacial qualities of a room?

another question i have is regarding tectonic hierarchy. could there be a matrix of smaller woven material that works within the same logic as the larger pieces, which would ultimately be those that accepted a mud plaster?

nice progress.

rael said...

perhaps you can get away from directional surfaces and begin to consider something that suggests a massing. how would that work. something more like a metaform or rhinos equivalent. perhaps joining surfaces or surface solids. a collision of a sphere primitive and a cube primitive smoothed and joined for example, but using the same model building tectonic you are developing.

rael said...

you should take a close look at the book african nomadic architecture by prussin labelle. it speaks in depth about the connections between organic members in a nomadic structure comprised of woven elements.